Q&A & Instruction of Uses
Posted by BOHS Support on
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1:Does BOHS foam clay include gluten or latex?
A: BOHS foam clay is gluten ,wheat and latex free.
The ingredients of BOHS foam clay including: Water ; Methyl methacrylate, styrene,acryic acid polymer; Polyvinyl alcoho; Glycerin; Pigment; Isothiazolinone.
Q2:Does the Bohs foam clay stick to wood ?
A:Yes, the Bohs foam clay stick to raw wood, but the adhesiveness can be reduced if the wood is varnished.
Q3:Does foam clay crack ?
A:No, Bohs foam clay does not crack, nor break even fall on floor.
Q4:Will Bohs foam clay stick to glass ?
A:Yes, Bohs foam clay stick glass, so that you can use Bohs foam clay to decorate a glass bottle into a vase.
Q5:Does Bohs foam clay dry hard ?
A:Yes, Bohs foam clay dry hard, and it’s lightweight when it’s air dried.
Q6: Is Bohs foam clay toxic ?
A:Bohs foam clay is designed to be non-toxic and complies with safety standards such as ASTM and CE in the USA and Europe.
Q7: How long does it take to dry?
A: It depends on the product size and the surrounding temperature and humidity. Using a hair dryer can shorten the drying time.
Q8: Can I bake Bohs foam clay ?
A: No, you can not bake Bohs foam clay, because Bohs foam clay is a type of air dry clay, it is flammable after drying hard.
Q9: What should I do if I eat clay by mistake?
A: If your children or pets eat it by accident, please remain calm and observe whether the child exhibits any adverse reactions.
At the same time, we recommend that you contact customer service as soon as possible for assistance. According to our tests and experience, if a child eats a small amount by accident, he or she should drink more warm water, eat more crude fiber food, and promote excretion, and no adverse symptoms will occur.
Q10: What should I do if the clay dries up?
A: 1. If your clay feels dry and rubbery, you can soften it by introducing a small amount of water. Begin by lightly spraying the clay with water. It is essential to avoid using excessive water, as too much can make the clay overly sticky and difficult to handle. After spraying, knead the clay thoroughly with your hands. The process of kneading helps to evenly distribute the moisture throughout the clay, allowing it to regain its flexibility and softness.
- If it is found that the clay has dried out and becomes hard, it is not recommended to soften it again, because the dried clay is very sticky after softening and is not suitable for use.
- When the clay softens, discoloration and stickiness will appear during the kneading process. This phenomenon will disappear after repeated kneading for a while, and will not cause harm to the body.
Q11: How to keep the works clean?
A: In order to keep the "work" clean and the children's hygiene, please remind the children to wash their hands before and after using the clay. Trim your child's nails to prevent clay from becoming trapped in the nails. When it is difficult to remove dandruff from your hands, rub a ball of used waste clay on your hands repeatedly to allow the clay to absorb the dandruff.
Q12: What should I do if the work is deformed?
A: Suggestions for drying the works: Because of improper drying, clay works or parts are frequently deformed after they are created. You can use: upside down to dry (for example, flowers, long strips, etc.); paper towels, cotton, etc. for cushioning (for example, balls, curved surfaces, etc.); toothpicks for fixing (for example, balls, curved surfaces, etc). (for example: heads, hands and other parts).
Q13: How to make BOHS Foam Clay waterproof?
BOHS foam clay is not naturally waterproof. To make it waterproof,here is a few options you can choose:
1.Apply a varnish or sealant to create a protective layer.
2.Use waterproof glue to form a moisture barrier.
3.Add a coat of wax for water resistance.
Q14:What's the ingredients of BOHS foam clay?
Answer: The ingredients of BOHS foam clay including: Water ; Methyl methacrylate, styrene,acryic acid polymer; Polyvinyl alcoho; Glycerin; Pigment; Isothiazolinone.
GB Instructions for use :
- Decorate Items - Clay adheres to paper, glass, and styrofoam, painted when dry.
- Rehydrate - Add water drops to the dried clay and knead it.
- Preservation - Seal the bag after playing and keep in cool place.
- Creating Colors - Blend clay of different colors to make new colors.
- No Flames - Do not expose the finished product to open flames. Do not place it in a microwave or oven.
DE Gebrauchsanweisung :
- Gegenstände dekorieren -Ton haftet auf Papier, Glas und Styropor und kann bemalt werden, sobald er vollständig getrocknet ist.
- Rehydrieren - Fügen Sie dem getrockneten Ton Wasser hinzu und kneten Sie ihn.
- Aufbewahrung - Beutel nach dem Spielen verschließen und kühl aufbewahren.
- Erstellen von Farben - Mischen Sie Tone verschiedener Farben, um neue Farben zu erstellen.
- Keine Flammen- Exposieren Sie das fertige Produkt nicht offenen Flammen. Legen Sie es nicht in einen Mikrowellen- oder Backofen.
FR Instructions d'utilisation
- Objets de décoration - L'argile adhère au papier, au verre et à la mousse de polystyrène et peut être peinte une fois complètement sèche.
- Réhydrater - Ajoutez des gouttes d'eau à l'argile séchée et pétrissez-la.
- Conservation - Scellez le sac après avoir joué et conservez-le dans un endroit frais.
- Création de couleurs - Mélangez des argiles de différentes couleurs pour créer de nouvelles couleurs.
- Pas de flammes - N'exposez pas le produit fini aux flammes ouvertes. Ne le placez pas dans un four à micro-ondes ou un four.
ES Instrucciones de uso :
- Decore artículos: la arcilla se adhiere al papel, el vidrio y la espuma de poliestireno, y se puede pintar una vez que esté completamente seca.
- Rehidratar - Añadir agua a la arcilla seca y amasar.
- Conservación: selle la bolsa después de jugar y manténgala en un lugar fresco.
- Creación de colores: mezcle arcillas de diferentes colores para crear nuevos colores.
- Sin llamas - No exponga el producto terminado a llamas abiertas. No lo coloque en un microondas o en un horno.
IT Istruzioni per l'uso :
- Oggetti decorativi - L'argilla aderisce a carta, vetro e polistirolo e può essere dipinta una volta che è completamente asciutta.
- Reidratarsi - Aggiungi acqua all'argilla essiccata e impastala.
- Conservazione - Sigillare il sacchetto dopo aver giocato e conservarlo in un luogo fresco.
- Creazione di colori: mescola argille di diversi colori per creare nuovi colori.
- Nessuna fiamma - Non esporre il prodotto finito alle fiamme aperte. Non metterlo in un forno a microonde o in un forno.
IE Treoracha úsáide:
- Maisiú Earraí - Greamaíonn an cré le páipéar, gloine agus cúrphlaisteach, péinteáladh nuair atá sé tirim. Athhiodráitiú - Cuir braonla uisce leis an gcré tirim agus déan é a kneadáil.
- Caomhnú - Dún an mála i ndiaidh súgartha agus coinnigh in áit fhionnuar.
- Cruthú Dathanna - Measc cré de dhathanna éagsúla chun dathanna nua a dhéanamh.
- Gan aon lasrach - Ná cuir an táirge críochnaithe i dtaisce os cionn lasmuigh. Ná cuir sa mhicreathonn nó sa chodladh é .
PL Instrukcje użytkowania:
- Dekorowanie Przedmiotów – Glina przylega do papieru, szkła i styropianu; maluj gdy wyschnie.
- Rehydratacja – Dodaj krople wody do wyschniętej gliny i zagnieć ją .
- Przechowywanie – Po zabawie zamknij woreczek i przechowuj w chłodnym miejscu.
- Tworzenie Kolorów – Mieszaj gliny różnych kolorów żeby stworzyć nowe kolory.
- Bez płomieni - Nie wystawiaj gotowego produktu na otwarte płomienie. Nie umieszczaj go w mikrofalówce ani w piekarniku.
NL Gebruiksaanwijzingen:
- Decoratie Items - Klei hecht zich aan papier, glas en piepschuim; schilder het als het droog is.
- Rehydrateren - Voeg druppels water toe aan de gedroogde klei en kneed het door elkaar.
- Conservering - Sluit de zak na spelen en bewaar op een koele plaats.
- Kleuren Creëren - Meng kleien van verschillende kleuren om nieuwe kleuren te maken.
- Geen vlammen - Stel het afgewerkte product niet bloot aan open vuur. Plaats het niet in de magnetron of oven.
SE Bruksanvisningar:
- Dekorera föremål – Lera fäster vid papper, glas och frigolit; målas när den torkat.
- Återfukta – Tillsätt vattendroppar till den torkade leran och knåda den.
- Förvaring – Förslut påsen efter lek och förvara på en sval plats.
- Skapa Färger – Blanda lera av olika färger för att göra nya nyanser.
- Inga lågor -Utsätt inte den färdiga produkten för öppen låga. Placera den inte i mikrovågsugnen eller ugnen.
الستخدام تعليمات AR
. يجف عندما طلؤه ويتم ،والستايروفوم والزجاج بالورق الطين يلتصق - العناصر تزيين . واعجنه المجفف الطين إلى الماء قطرات أضف - ترطيب
. بارد مكان في واحفظه اللعب بعد الكيس أغلق - الحفظ
. جديدة ألوان لتكوين مختلفة ألوان من الطين امزج - اللوان إنشاء
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